Our purpose at Advantage Shield Haven is to provide a quality, and home away from home accommodation and conducive environment for Young adults aged 16 to 18 years, to ensure Young adults are able to grow and maintain respect, independence self-care skills and enable them to make informed, age-appropriate decisions, concerning their present and future so they can achieve a successful transition into independence and adulthood. Services offered will be based on an assessment of the young adult’s needs and be part of the pathway plan for the Young adult.
The Young adults we accommodate and support have varying needs which may include:
· Mild learning disabilities
· Attention deficit disorder
· Mild Challenging behaviours
· Moderate learning disabilities
· Asylum Seekers. Self-harming behaviours
· Those in danger of Gang involvement
· Rehabilitation from Criminal behaviour
. All Young adults will receive support with:
· Hygiene routines
· Maintaining a clean and safe living environment
· Food preparation and healthy eating
· Food and grocery shopping and budgeting
· Joining and attending leisure and health activities
· Accessing and registering with health services
· Healthy relationships and safe sexual health
· Education, training or employment
· Family contact
· Taking care of their emotional and mental health
· Religious and cultural needs/preferences
· Safety and self-harm reduction
· Appropriate conduct and behaviours/ reduction of offending behaviour
· Managing emergencies
· Socialising and community integration
· Attending appointments
· Independence skills development
· Bill payments, banking, savings and money management
· Obtaining independent accommodation and accessing a tenancy
· Joining the housing register and support with bidding for council properties
· Self-esteem and confidence in order to reach their full potential
In our offerings, we feature a transitional service tailored for care leavers who have reached adulthood. This ensures they continue to receive essential support and housing, facilitating a smoother adjustment to independent living.Our semi-independent homes will be staffed 24- hours by a member of our highly-trained team. Our support will be based on the needs of our service user and we will work with the placing authority to determine what level of support is required and match this by increasing or decreasing the level of support. We provide sessions that will help Young adults attain the skills that enable them gain independence and have the ability to use this freedom to achieve a set timeline to transition into their own homes and lives. During the course of this transition they will have the ability to own bank accounts, passport, jobs and possibly qualifications to help them gain that level of independence.At Advantage Shield Haven, we will assess when the you adults are ready, and staff will begin setting them up in their own homes. This will be a gradual process from semi independence to a home of their choosing
In circumstances that demand immediate or brief assistance, we have the capability to facilitate both lodging and supportive care. Such situations might arise from disruptions in foster care, care home placements, or when a young individual requires bail from a local police station. Often, these needs emerge outside regular business hours, a period when most providers find it challenging to offer immediate housing. Additionally, we provide a 'responsible adult' service, wherein a designated staff member can collect the child from detention or custody following an arrest for an offense.